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Next Page welcomes Lowndes Jordan to the iManage Cloud experience

We are excited to welcome Lowndes Jordan to the Next Page iManage Cloud experience.

A great project delivered in difficult times. Being in Aucklands Covid-19 lockdown meant we had to develop a different methodology for project delivery. Virtual implementation is not new, but being able to deliver training, and support staff adopting a new system, without our usual face-to-face communication presented some new challenges and learnings. It wasn’t easy for the Lowndes Jordan team to have to learn a new system whilst isolated in their homes, it is a testament to both the staff and iManage that the easy-to-use intuitive interface enabled this to be a success.

We would like to thank the project team from Lowndes Jordan, OneLaw, Kinetics, and Next Page, whose combined efforts made this a great project.

From Next Page, thanks to Lesley Rowntree for coordinating the four teams and managing the overall project. Anne Bishop and Tracey Nickel delivering the iManage Cloud solution and Robert Comeskey managing the data migration, which was a huge success with 99.80% of the documents successfully migrated.

From Kinetics, it wouldn’t have been possible without the outstanding support and system knowledge by the team led by Mike Allan.

From OneLaw, the OneLaw Practice Management integration was expertly delivered by Doug Thompson and the Christchurch based development team. They provided rapid software delivery within very tight timeframes, with an amazing attitude to post implementation support.

From Lowndes Jordan, the efforts of David White, GM, was a key part of the project success. He kept us all focused, on task, and expedited rapid decision making and approvals. This is always a critical component to keeping a project on schedule and he certainly had to think outside of the square many times.

The original project plan was turned on its head with the Covid-19 Delta variant outbreak in August, but we absolutely love it when a plan comes together. On time and on budget. Another happy Next Page customer.

Talk to us at Next Page if you are needing to get your documents and emails sorted.


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