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Presenting iManage Work 10. The next generation of document management software was developed by interviewing hundreds of users about how they want to work. The results of this is a new interface that ensures that you can have a consistent experience across phone, tablet or desktop. It has tight integration with the common corporate products like Microsoft Office, Office 365 and works in the Cloud.
Start with iManage
Work for Document and Email

Select and add advanced functionality including Secure File Collaboration, Records Management, Archiving, Knowledge Management and more.

We provide the best products that deliver the best results for your business.
Litera (purchased DocsCorp) tools let you create pdfs, edit pdfs, create binders, compare documents (MS Word and pdf) and run OCR (Optical Character Recognition) for your documents, automatically. Litera is a leading provider of productivity software for document management professionals worldwide.
inMailX is an enterprise email management, compliance and productivity suite for Microsoft Outlook. Can you manage your email attachments – combine them and create a pdf or zip or re-order the attachments? How about a “send and file” command or changing email signatures and filling in standard email templates. Talk to us about inMailX. Great products – great value.
rbro solutions
RBRO Solutions offers a wide range of tools and partner products that will help your organization gain the greatest value from your iManage content. View the wide range of iManage Work productivity tools on the Rbro webpage. These solutions have resulted in more efficient work processes and improved productivity.
MessageSolution is a growing independent software vendor dedicated to providing innovative email, file systems, SharePoint, archiving for compliance, electronic discovery, storage management, and mail cross-platform migrations.
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