iManage Work 10 - Blog Series 1.1

New Features in Work 10
Some of the features of the new interfaces include:
Introduction of new search engine RAVN which includes AI capability. This can be run in parallel to IDOL or can replace IDOL.
Journaling has been enabled so an administrator can use this to understand what action a user has taken, in case a user, say, loses something? “Loses something” can be interpreted in two ways. The first is that the user overwrites existing content. In that case, file Journaling can help to restore the document. In the instance where a user loses a physical device, the audit history can give you a view into what the user had checked out and downloaded to his or her machine.
A new Preview Server introduces many new features such as; zoom, high resolution, go to last place, thumbnails of each page, etc. for the iManage Work Web Client.
Introduction of a Trash Bin feature for easy deleting and restoring of deleted documents – without the need for custom scripting as presently required.
Introduction of browser-based application to replace and extend the capabilities of DBAdmin called ‘iManage Control Center’ (iCC). Used to customise desktop view, define templates and folder structures, plus other functions. Provides ‘tiers’ of administrative access for HelpDesk staff.
Flexible Folder allow firms to create templates of additional folders that can be added to Workspaces by users, whilst still having standardized folder structures.
Desktop client upgrades, including client updates including user interface changes no longer require a desktop client upgrade in all cases.
Upload documents and folders without having to specify profile values.
Server based Refile Service to process refile activity in the background. Refile no longer requires user intervention to invoke a refile.
Preview Support for Native Lotus Notes Emails.
For users of iManage Share the new Share Agent provides extended capability from the Work 10 client
Support for files larger than 2GB**
** DeskSite or FileSite 9.3.1 support uploading files > 2GB, however downloading files this large is not supported at this time.
For more details or if you have any questions, please contact Next Page here.